venerdì 6 luglio 2007

About Microarrays

Dear all,

since I have the feeling that the interest in microarray , gene function annotation and experimental next steps is increasing in the Institute I would like to initiate something like a round table, even very relaxed. We can maybe meet outside this walls where we can not only enjoy discussions on scientific things but also a cold beer and some crackers. So whoever is interested can contact me via this blog or directly via mail:

So, lets start something

Alexander Luedeking

1 commento:

Anton Dohrn café ha detto...

even if I already contacted you by e-mail, I really hope to have a discussion upon arrays.
A technique that is based upon "trues", and "lies"!

I would also like to suggest an article upon "lies" [PLoS Med. 2005 Aug;2(8):e124.]

Stilianos Arhondakis

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